Aug 28, 2019
Reel Comic Heroes 078 - The Punisher
Frank Castle is not a complex man. He is on a one-man mission to destroy organized crime because his family was taken from him by the same sort of criminals he targets every night as The Punisher. Frank Castle is a man of few words. He has no friends. And sooner or later he will die, but he will take out as many criminals as possible before that happens. Dolph Lundgren plays the isolated, stoic and wounded side of Frank Castle possibly better than anyone else has cinematically. Whether this is considered to be a good movie or not, one thing is certain, Dolph Lundgren brought Frank Castle to life on the big screen.
Joining us for The Punisher is Andy Nelson from The Next Reel and Marvel Movie Minute.
Shout out to listeners Michael Tanner, Bryon Lockheart, Samuel Holloway and a special thanks to Jérémie Damoiseau.
Jérémie is working on a book, The Punisher: The Untold Story of the ’89 Cult Classic and has shared with us an excerpt from the introduction to his book. You can hear Travis read Jérémie's excerpt at the end of this episode. We will let you know when the book is available!
Be sure to check Jérémie out online:
Instagram: @punisher_book
Twitter: @punisher_book
Facebook: @punisherbook
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Next time on Reel Comic Heroes - Back to the Future: Part Two.
Music from
"Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (
Music from
"Deep Haze" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (
Intro/Outro by Matthew S Mendoza