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Sep 22, 2021

128 - Judge Dredd with Jonathan Howell


What could be better than a Stallone action movie set in a post-apocalyptic future. No, not that one. We’re talking about 1995s Judge Dredd. Revisit this one if it’s been a while. And definitely check it out if you’ve never seen it. Joining us to practice law is a podcaster...

Sep 8, 2021

127 - SPECIAL INTERVIEW with My Monkey's Name is Jennifer creator, Ken Knudtsen

Every kid needs a homicidal monkey named Jennifer. Ken Knudtsen joined Travis for a chat about getting started in comics, Wolverine, and his awesomely titled project My Monkey's Name is Jennifer

Ken is launching a Kickstarter campaign for...

Sep 1, 2021

126 - Batman Forever with Jason Croxon

We’ve reached another milestone on our list and finally reached the Batman movie you either love or hate depending on when you grew up, usually. Batman Forever is such a departure from the direction of the previous two movies that it can be distracting. Jason Croxon from Plate...