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Sep 27, 2023

161 - Gen 13 with Bubbawheat

Every so often a movie which isn’t on our original list makes its way onto the show. Such is the case with Gen 13. This is a movie that we weren’t even aware of and yet our guest, Bubbawheat took it upon himself to make us aware. For that we’re grateful to have had the opportunity to chat about this odd little animated movie. Check out Bubbawheat on his numerous other shows and platforms.

Guest Plugs
Flights, Tights & Movie Nights
It’s Time to Rewind

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Join us for our next movie review - The Avengers (1998)

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Music from "Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod ( - License: CC BY (

Music from "Deep Haze" by Kevin MacLeod ( - License: CC BY (

Intro/Outro by Matthew S Mendoza