Feb 24, 2016
On May 25th, 1977 Star Wars made its debut and blew the world away with its incredible set pieces, effects and dramatic adventure. Twenty years later, the creator of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, George Lucas returned Luke, Leia and Han to the big screen with new special effects in order to get the movie closer to...
Feb 16, 2016
The 2016 comic book movie lineup is underway with this weekend's release of Deadpool. The movie is doing very well for its opening weekend and has gotten a lot of praise. In this episode we're going to be chatting about some of the other upcoming films for 2016, and we'll talk about the newest and final Batman...
Feb 10, 2016
James Bond has returned! The Man With the Golden Gun felt like an old familiar suit. It felt like Roger Moore has managed to incorporate elements of Connery's performance while making the character his own. This movie, while having a lot of light-hearted moments, still found the brutality of the...
Feb 3, 2016
This week we're bringing you our thoughts on two fairly recent trailers. First up is the sequel to the updated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. To be honest, we didn't expect much after seeing the first movie, but this trailer has us looking forward to the sequel.
Next up is the trailer for Suicide Squad. Everything we've...