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Sep 1, 2021

126 - Batman Forever with Jason Croxon

We’ve reached another milestone on our list and finally reached the Batman movie you either love or hate depending on when you grew up, usually. Batman Forever is such a departure from the direction of the previous two movies that it can be distracting. Jason Croxon from Plate Stack Chat is here to help keep us on track. Where do you land with Batman Forever? Love it? Hate it? Share your thoughts in the Facebook group.


Jason Croxon

Plate Stack Chat


Our next movie review - Judge Dredd


Discuss the episode over at the Facebook group: The Reel Comic Heroes League of Citizens


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Music from

"Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod (

Licence: CC BY (


Music from

"Deep Haze" by Kevin MacLeod (

Licence: CC BY (


Intro/Outro by Matthew S Mendoza