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Nov 4, 2020

It seems like just yesterday we were introduced to officer Alex Murphy who was resurrected and brought back online by Omni Consumer Products to protect the streets of Detroit as RoboCop. He’s fought bigger robots and drug addicted cyborgs in previous outings. Now he takes on urban redevelopment in Robocop 3. Bryon Lockhart is our backup on this episode, and don’t worry, he’s wearing his vest.


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Our next movie review - Batman: The Mask of the Phantasm

Check out Bryon’s Movies by Minutes podcast ‘The Marine Corps Movie Minute’ breaking down movies based on the Marine Corps one minute at a time.







Music from

"Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod (

License: CC BY (


Music from

"Deep Haze" by Kevin MacLeod (

License: CC BY (


Intro/Outro by Matthew S Mendoza